A Simple Random Sample Of Adults Living In A Suburb

A simple random sample of adults living in a suburb is a method of selecting a representative sample from a larger population. This method ensures that each individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected, providing an unbiased representation of the entire group.

Simple random sampling is commonly used in research studies to obtain reliable and generalizable findings.

To select a simple random sample, researchers can use various methods, such as random number tables or statistical software. The size of the sample is determined based on factors like the population size, desired confidence level, and sampling error tolerance.

Simple random sampling offers advantages like unbiasedness and generalizability, but it also has limitations, such as potential sampling error and the need for a complete sampling frame.

Overview of Simple Random Sampling

Researcher proposed obtains adults

Simple random sampling is a probability sampling method in which each member of a population has an equal chance of being selected as part of the sample. This method is often used in research studies to obtain a representative sample of a population, ensuring that the sample accurately reflects the characteristics of the larger group.

Simple random sampling is important because it helps researchers to avoid bias in their findings. By giving each individual an equal chance of being selected, researchers can be more confident that their sample is representative of the population as a whole.

This method also allows researchers to generalize their findings to the larger population, increasing the validity and reliability of their research.

For example, if a researcher wants to study the health habits of adults in a particular city, they could use simple random sampling to select a sample of 1000 adults from the city’s population. This sample would be representative of the city’s adult population, and the researcher could use the data collected from the sample to make inferences about the health habits of all adults in the city.

Methods for Selecting a Simple Random Sample: A Simple Random Sample Of Adults Living In A Suburb

A simple random sample of adults living in a suburb

There are several different methods that can be used to select a simple random sample. One common method is to use a random number table. Random number tables are lists of randomly generated numbers that can be used to select individuals from a population.

To use a random number table, the researcher first assigns each member of the population a unique number. Then, the researcher uses the random number table to select the desired number of individuals from the population.

Another method for selecting a simple random sample is to use software. There are a number of software programs that can be used to generate random numbers. These programs can be used to select individuals from a population in a variety of ways, including by using a random number table or by using a random sampling algorithm.

The method that is used to select a simple random sample will depend on the size of the population and the resources that are available to the researcher. For small populations, it may be possible to use a random number table.

For larger populations, it is more efficient to use software.

Sample Size Determination

Probability geopoll

The sample size for a simple random sample is determined by a number of factors, including the size of the population, the desired level of precision, and the confidence level. The larger the population, the larger the sample size that will be needed to achieve a given level of precision.

The higher the desired level of precision, the larger the sample size that will be needed. And the higher the confidence level, the larger the sample size that will be needed.

There are a number of statistical formulas that can be used to calculate the sample size for a simple random sample. The most common formula is the following:

“`n = (Z^2

  • p
  • q) / e^2



  • n is the sample size
  • Z is the z-score for the desired confidence level
  • p is the estimated proportion of the population that has the characteristic of interest
  • q is the estimated proportion of the population that does not have the characteristic of interest
  • e is the desired level of precision

For example, if a researcher wants to estimate the proportion of adults in a particular city who smoke, with a 95% confidence level and a desired level of precision of 5%, they would need to select a sample size of 384 adults.

Clarifying Questions

What is the purpose of a simple random sample?

The purpose of a simple random sample is to select a representative sample from a larger population, ensuring that each individual has an equal chance of being included.

What are the advantages of using a simple random sample?

Advantages of using a simple random sample include unbiasedness, generalizability, and ease of implementation.

What are the limitations of using a simple random sample?

Limitations of using a simple random sample include potential sampling error, the need for a complete sampling frame, and the assumption of independence among sample members.